Matthew McConaughey knows a secret: Star power works on the charity circuit. That didn't bother him nor the donation of his mint classic corvette in order to help rebuild the lives destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.
Now, I've got a little secret. Matthew and other celebs are helped out by this somewhat silent auction house called Auction Cause. The agency has helped Captain Morgon put the swing back into Mardi Gras celebrations in New Orleans, the food bank NYC auction off lunch boxes designed by over 50 celebrities, and auction off sykpe time to celebrities that donated the time and money to a favorite charity cause. The Auction Cause website might read as a bit corporate by talking about branding, positioning, and leverage. But, if it gets major corporations and big stars to come out from hiding in order to help people-I'm all for it!
Who knows? Maybe you are the next star that they are waiting to hear from?