Tis the season & like most people, there are gifts that still need to be given. Here is a top 5 list of stuff for stockings, work parties, or maybe a guilty little something for you!
1. Wrap the Keys to the Yachet...
Although, if you are like most people & can't buy this little yacht floating in Greece, chances are you'll need to audition for this TV show. & that's totally free!!!!!!
Heck, I actually learned to single & double water ski on a boat that a friend of mine won off the Price is Right.
2. Role Play

If you can't afford the yacht, chances are you can just play the part. This sweet little raincoat makes even the worst holiday moment a little less washed up.
3. Recruit an Agent.

Essential to following any scheme. Vital to cracking any code. Great at quickly writing down some hottie's phone number. The moleskine reporter notebook is the only way to truly recruit new agents or deconstruct a vixen's plan.
4. I've Got Your Back!

The art of seduction is the best way to keep the game on. Let Club Monaco help to keep the mystery alive and surprises jaw dropping.
5. Smile to Kill

That doesn't sound very festive, I know. But, remember that a beautiful smile will get you anywhere you want. It'll get you aboard yachts, smoozing puppy loves, writing down secrets, seducing strangers, and looking good for photo opts from now to New's Year. So, just remember to brush your teeth and spend time smiling at strangers and kissing love ones! Because that, darling, is priceless.
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