I like to read books. I like long walks in loud cities. Driving in the countryside is wonderful, too. No, this isn't an eHarmony ad. This is a post on Attraction and attraction is not always of the flesh.
The birds and the bees are in full blossom this April. The world has turned once again. One of my favorite drives is on a the orange county toll road known as the 241. The sloping hills have got fire with the spring wild flowers. Driving along, I catch myself being memorized by vistas of green hills and low white clouds that are harmless as the hawks soaring in the blue sky. I can't help but know that when I close my eyes that these are the sorts of places I image. These ancient sand dunes now covered by California chaparral are glistening with the sort of peace I only dream of ever obtaining. Once, the road turns and the sky is clear, in the distance, the island known as Catalina, appears to just float from the shoreline. It's then that I know the drive is almost over. I'll have to wait for another day to pass before driving it again. I have real attraction to these landscapes. I know that my time with this place is limited, however, the city of orange has cut down the 22,000 acres of wild land to 5,000. Over 14,000 homes are expected to be built on this land and that includes residential skyscrapers. When I think of the future, I wonder how reasoned is civilization? Once those homes are laid, the landscape and the history of those sand dunes will be lost forever. Future generations will not be able to understand the beauty that the native Indians had once thrived in nor will they be able to image how California looked without the cars, the track homes, and the fast food restaurants. I've seen it all be lost to the entrepreneurial spirit of the Irvine Corporation. Limited time makes the heart grow fonder.
The sexist book is that of Boccaccio Decameron . In its Canterbury Tale-esque narrative structure, 12 people have traveled to an inn to tell stories in order to escape the plague. The Italian story narrates some of the most attractive stories translated to English. While some maintain the pleasure of Playboy, I'll stand by the Decameron as one of the hottest books written. If there ever were secrets to attraction, I'm certain that they are written in this book.
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