I'm giving my library away to move in with a guy that lives in a different city, mind you a different country, and I still haven't found myself thinking that I am crazy. This must be some sort of man that has rocked my world. As my best friend, the Red Menace has put it blankly, When you meet the right one that's how it should be. Fast and quick. None of that dating for years to find out that you really aren't crazy for'em. I think that if I had listened to that deep down little voice I might have saved myself years of agony and boredom. I'm listening to my voice that says, Throw your stuff out. Move to Toronto. Kiss the boy that you love.
I hate moving. I'm notorious for my belly-flop attempts at moving. Ask my sister about the move from Chicago to Orange County. The night before my awesome sister arrived at Midway airport. I hadn't really packed anything and I got, um..., to put it politely, trashed. In fact, I was so hung-over the next day that I forgot to pick my sister up at the airport! Yeah, I know, miss brunette is a loser. Five hours later, I wake up with panic. I drive like hell to the airport and find my sister wrapped up in a Mexican blanket sleeping in the baggage terminal. As it goes, some family adopted my sister, gave her a blanket because it was four days before Christmas, and ultimately couldn't stick around for the beat down my sister was going to give me because they had a flight to catch. She didn't say a word until she got to my place and realized that I hadn't really packed. I had to call all my friends over and I paid two homeless guys, known in Chicago as Junkers which is a step up from wino and darelicks, to help me pack and move my stuff. My sister didn't stop yelling and raving about how awful I am not just as a sister for not picking her up at the airport but for not packing. The car ride to California would have been brutal if I hadn't bought a harmonica and the urban cowboy soundtrack. Oh the drama of moving!
I'm checking my calendar. One week and four days. I actually made it to my storage unit. I'm actually giving my stuff away.
But first, does anyone understand dreams? Ever since I visited Thomas Jefferson's house as a little girl I have dreamt of having a place just like it. The bigger dream, of course, is to build a library. My dream doesn't stop with the mere acquisition of books but my dream includes a very public donation to some humble public library in order to get a little plaque above the water foutain that says:
Somewhere Public Library hereby declares the greatest thanks to Miss Brunette for the largest collection of pink covered books in the nation.
I know I'm not asking for too much.
At the storage unit yesterday, I rummaged through all of my books. Most of the titles that I gave away were the easy to replace, as common as hitting a thrift store, books. Faded paperback covers, acid yellow page leafs, or taped book spines were also books that were added to the cart. The mound grew tirelessly. I whittled away books to the point that what remains is somewhat near a stack as tall and as wide as my shapely figure. I'm still not near being done. This was at the storage unit, not my computer room and my bedroom. Ask Mr. Cop about the house. He knows there's a bunch of stuff there but he never got to first hand witness my junk at the storage unit. Its best that he doesn't know everything.
Ford Explorer seeks U-haul trailer for a good time
It's time to rent the U-haul and things get crazy. At the U-haul website, things seemed good. I put all my info in the fields. I click the get quote field. What?! No, what?@#! U-haul won't rent a trailer to me. Shoot! I backpedal to the get quote page. I decide that I'll rent a truck for the 2515 mile drive to Mr. Cop's hometown. Okay price breakdown:
Car Trailer: $437
10' U-haul truck: $1,800
Gas: $Outrageous gas mileage for a U-haul Truck
Not an option for the stuff that I have. Most of it had been bought at Unique Thrift on the South Side. Hmm...
I told Mr. Cop and he couldn't believe that they wouldn't rent a trailer for my car. A 10' U-haul truck would too large, I said, which isn't really the truth but I do have a bunch of junk to get rid of so that is the truth.
Just pack your car up and throw the rest out.
(long silence as Miss Brunette thinks about all the stuff she has collected that she really feels is part of her life)
Ah, okay. Sure. I'll try to do that.
Brunette Confidential Rule #5: Mortality is a bitch. You can't take it with you when you die.
HHonesty, I think this is the best possible thing I could be doing for myself. Throwing stuff away, giving things to shelters, and packing only essentials is the best possible thing I could be doing for myself. I never realized what a gift it is to yourself to pass things forward. I feel like I'm opening myself up to the opportunity to recreate a new sense of myself.
My stuff has been in storage for a year. I can recall when the movers arrived at my storage unit in Orange County. The driver said to me:
Why didn't you just throw all of this stuff away? Start Over? Isn't that what you're doing by moving?
I shrugged it off at the time and spent over a $1500 bucks renting the storage unit for two years.
Today, I'll be cracking the crypt to toss things that I haven't seen since my last days in Chicago. Time to let things go. Time to reinvent. Time to get to the storage unit.
Hmm...I dont recall saying "throw the rest of the stuff out"
Mr. Cop
Hokay, Mr. Cop. Maybe I was using a bit of dramatic license when i wrote that post. Don't hate me for wanting to try & make a point. But, I swear didn't you kinda of joke & say throw it all out?
Whatever has been said, I don't care. I want to reduce the clutter & toss things out even though it all might be worth something someday!
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