Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

I'm so shamed to say that I haven't posted a drop on my dear blog. I am still hounding away at my book that I hoped to have complete by next Monday. It will take lots of black ice tea and sleepless hours to get there! Wish me luck dolls!

But, enough about me. Isn't it Valentine's Day? Do fools rush in? What happens when they do? I'm that fool and as anyone can tell you last year on this exact day I was decidedly not in love. I did have a great celebration though. Valentine's is my dog's birthday. So I spent it last year whooping up it up with him.

Back to the foolish part, I met the love of my life in Vegas and I moved to Canada to be with him. A fool like me really does rush in! I've been in Toronto since August and I have still to be in love with this place. I actually absolutely dislike Toronto and much of everything that I've seen out here. It's just too different and I've left so many things behind that everyday I'm painfully missing home. I left my family, my few friends, my church, my country, and the place I have loved dearly since I was a child, California. My vain hope is that I sell my book so that my love & I can return back to Orange County where we'll spend the rest of our lives in traffic, noisy beaches, and strip malls. Damn, I miss home! I know I have much more to write about on this very topic but, alas, I have missed the mark on my Valentine's Day and the reason for this post. Can a blogger play catch-up with time? It's hard. Really Hard. So let me return to today.

5:45 AM
Mr. Cop worked till five forty five am. A tough shift known as midnights. He not only had to sit at a crime scene with a dead body for several hours, he also had to proactively police. Let's not forget that those weather reports playing on CNN actually mean something. We got the most snow that I've seen since I lived in Chicago. It quietly sprinkled itself down on us till our cars were covered in snow and our front walk-up were hard to be found.

5:46 AM
I woke up to the house phone ringing. Mr. Cop asked me to unlock the front door for him as I always do during his midnight shifts. I unlocked the door and ran back to bed. Mr. Cop called out to me and told me to meet him at the front door. I stumbled out of bed with just one eye poking out from under my eyemask. His skin was still frost bitten and pink. His smile was large and broad. His arms were holding a huge fresh cut of mixed flowers wrapped in red paper, a freshly potted minature rose shrub, and a box of exqusitie chocolates! It was hands down the most romantic Valentine's day that I've had in maybe my entire adult life. And simply when he loves me, prods me, encourages me, takes me, holds me, tickles me, whispers to me, I know why I've left it all behind. A rare man like my Mr. Cop comes shooting across the sky once every blue moon and then it's gone. To all the single people of the world, I pray that you know when to reach for the stars and chase dreams of happiness. Never let go unless you find yourself rising towards the heaven and creeping too close to God. I have to keep my advice legit with mythology, yo! Don't be tryin to be all like Bellerophon kicking your Pegasus in the gut to get to the stairway to heaven. Live life well and in love this Valentine's Day. If didn't happen this year, be positive. There is a destiny for you.

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