Monday, November 27, 2006

The Thanksgiving that was Lost to a TV Audition

How can anyone lose a holiday? Let me tell you, for the last year and half just about every single one of my important holidays has been lost to putting together a design project, creating a demo reel, or other such job related matters. I'm an adult. I expect these things to happen but the thing that gets me fired up is that in most cases all of my effort hasn't been rewarded. I'm a brunette that loves reward! Like cold cash that can be forked over to pay for a wild trip into New Zealand.

My Thanksgiving was lost this year to creating yet a new demo reel based on an the premise of a new interior design show for TLC. I believe that the casting producer from my Philly audition might have had her hand in on this one, I'm not certain, but I'm thankful if she did. This production company is based in Chelsea, NYC. The connection between the Philly production company and this NYC production company is that they both helped to produce Trading Spaces. So instead of being with my family-which I will admit wouldn't have happened anyhow because I'm in Toronto, I was out on location at a Benjamin Moore Paint Store. I also can't be that upset about missing Thanksgiving because in Canada they celebrate Thanksgiving in October and it is in no way even close to being as great as it is in the States.

I can't believe how much I miss the states! Can you hear it in my writing? I never thought in a million years I'd post a picture of the American flag but that's how it goes.

The premise for this interior design show is based on a designer and a shrink getting into the depths of the home owner's personality. After getting to that true personality, the designer kicks in to create a home that is subtle and fit for healthy living. I actually love the premise of the show. At least how I see the show play out in my mind...things always change when in production. Lately I have been reading about Feng Shui, Home Sanctuary, and Sacred Living. It was interesting how this show came to me in the midst of my readings.

Yet, I really hope that I land this. I know its really only my third audition but in the world of interior design TV shows, there aren't that many opportunities to get cast. I know that I also need to work on my attitude pertaining to my career status. Dear readers, I'd like to tell you something confidential, I'm sick and tired of not having a stable career! I think I'm on the edge of giving up. That means I'll somehow buy a Harley Davidson, a pink bandanna, and a tank of gas and I'll start a huge road trip that leads nowhere! Can getting a job be so difficult?

I'm in Canada. I'm in Toronto. I'm on visiting status and that means that I can't work here. Quite an interesting predicament I'm in...

Bottom line: I'm filled with ideas! I want to help design residential homes, restaurants, and bars. I want to revise my non-fiction book and send it back out to agents. I want to finish my fiction book and send it out to editors. I want to make mula based on the work that I have passion to do. Isn't that true for every person! However, I'm in a position where the only way that I can get that trip to New Zealand is by doing my creative work. And, lord knows it takes time! So I'm getting a wee bit frustrated that I'm loosing Holidays and time to these auditions that I'm not landing. OK-I'll stop my whining. I'm going to go shopping today. It's called immediate gratification.

Friday, November 17, 2006

My Heart Goes out to Crazy Girl City

I just read the most recent post from Crazy Girl City.

Her poor dog Jake was hit by a car on 8 November after a mad, fast, and furious escape.

Strangely enough, my dog did the same thing yesterday. Valentino took advantage of the situation as I was potting an azula plant. He stood on the deck. Looked off into the distance and ran for it. I ran after him as fast as I could but he made it into the street where a white van rolled right over him. People on the street stopped, the white van skidded to a halt, and I was standing still in a coma-like state. Valentino, being only about eight pounds, stood between the tires as the van passed him over head. Next, he ran out in the next lane of passing traffic and almost caused a blue sedan to get in an accident. Lucky for me and everyone involved, everything turned out okay. A couple on the other side of the street helped me to grab him and commented on how close he came to being dead.

What can pet owners do?

My only instinct was to immediately begin the laborous process of doggie school and discipline. His next escape might not be blessed with as much luck again. It saddens me to say that Crazy City Girl's dog, Jake, didn't make it. I wish her all the best in her dog's untimely death. It's never easy to deal with loss.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Curses & Confusion! Yikes, ooh my!

I'm a mess of creative energy. Ever get like that? Here's a list of everything I'd like to have done today:

1. Sail the waters outside New Guinea

2. Knit sweaters for my dog

3. Draw a picture

4. Finish a Book

5. Win the lottery

This is all because I had to straighten out finances and get my Quicken program to work. I should have done this when I moved to Canada but oh, curses, its so easy to let stuff like this slip.

I only get confused because there are so many projects that I want to finish and I don't have time for it all. For instance, I want to finish the National Novel Writing Contest and be declared a big ol winner. 50,000 words isn't what my novel is set at but my goal is 120,000 words. I want to get it all done today. It didn't happen at all. This week I did get my structure complete which is like taking aspirin for a headache. I did manage to get that done. Now, it's time to pound pages out. It's so much easier to spend the day thinking about my almost non-existent financial future by using the program quicken!

Yikes, ooh my!
I love my boyfriend and my dog and that makes things flow much easier. However, after all the auditions and the road trips, it really would be nice to make lots of mula so that I could find a bit of time to sail uncharted waters, knit cool dog sweaters, and play the lotto. At the moment, I've got a dizzy schedule that isn't allowing time for much! I wish everybody who finds themselves in the same boat to remember:

The boat sails with the wind! So relax and enjoy!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

November Hero File: NaNoWriMo-Come again?

NaNoWriMo= National Novel Writing Month

This non-profit organization isn't be slowed down by Halloween candy or by tha anticipation of Turkey and the Macy's Day Parade. No way! These guys have invented their own month long holiday that is meant to help all the closet writers of the world actually finish something called a novel. It gets even better! is taking a portion of profits and sending it help youth groups learning how to tackle literacy. What isn't to love? Jump on this ban wagon and write that dramatic sci-fi romantic comedy that has been at the back of your head for years. Get up or rather sit down and do something!

The TLC Interior Design Show Audition

That is exactly where I've been-in an audition vortex! Two weeks ago, I got a call from a casting director at a new TLC show that wanted me to show up for a quick audition in Phildelphia. I worked my ass off like a slave on three different design concepts for the audition. TLC even switched genders of the client two days before I had to leave for Philly which meant completely shopping for new props and redesigning everything! Once I finally hit the road the problem was....I missed this email sent to me Monday October 23 at 3:30PM (don't forget I had to drive to Philly for the audition and I was on the road from 3:00PM to 4:30AM, so this email didn't do me a blink of good):

Hey there.

I am emailing to confirm your audition tomorrow, Oct 24th.

Each audition will be approximately twenty minutes. You will be showcasing not only your skills as a designer but as a personality and on-air talent. Make sure to engage your client/homeowner and be likable. High energy is really important as well. Dress in a way that shows us who you are, comfortable, casual, how you would go to meet a design client. All in all, be prepared to show us your personality as a designer.

These interviews will be reviewed by our producers, and if you are chosen to advance we will be in touch.

If you are not familiar, Philly is an easily navigable city with plenty to do while you’re in town and a Starbucks on every corner. Give me a call if you need any tips.

Again, I look forward to meeting you.

Good luck!

What I really missed out on was that this wasn't the Debbie Travis show. In fact, they were looking for a true on-air talent! I've got that in my blood but I didn't pull into Philly-actually New Jersey because I had lost my hotel room and everything else was sold out. It was 4:30AM when I finally made it to sleep. My audition was at 10:30AM. And, sniff, sniff, poor ol' me, I hadn't got more than four hours of sleep for the previous three days and wound up late to my call. I found the production company near the actual Liberty Bell.

I was less than my ususal "on-perky-fun" personality. I was exhausted! I had prepared for another grilling round of fire squad style design critique like the Debbie Travis show. Instead, it was an audition with an actress pretending to own a NYC loft. In my honest opinion, the designs were the last damn thing they were looking at and I wasn't prepared for that. If the world had been perfect, I would have been resting the day before the auditon by chilling out at all those Starbucks in Philly and sleeping at the Ritz-Carlton by eight. Life never rolls like that and so it made sense that I slept in Jersey for a couple of hours. I did the best I could but I knew that I wasn't going to get it once I had left the audition. I was pissed at myself for not being more "on." Hey, this was the first real audition that I've ever been too. What can I say?

Did I get it? I found out today.
I got a call today from my agent today. She's a fabulous girl that delivered to me the best possible way of saying that I didn't get it. How? Let me explain.

It's so weriod. I had a dream of you last night and it was really intense. You were like Indiana Jones.

I'll take that as a compliment. I love Indy.

I spoke to the casting director. She said that you didn't make the final demo reel but she said like 17 times how cute you were.

(didn't get it-not too surprised-keeps listening to agent)

Anyhow, she said that you have the right face, the right look, an awesome personality, and raw talent. She told me that one of the problems was that when you have a five minute audition you can't be shy or take the time to articulate your thoughts. She really believes that you've got something but she could see your inexperience with the whole thing. Acting classes came up but..she thought it might change you too much. She said save your money and practice talking in a mirror. One last note, she took your headshot and resume and put it into a pile for another show they are going to be producing in the next six months. That show is on the back burner because the show you just tried out to has a deadline.

At least I know my intution never fails me. After I had left the audition, I knew that if I were a casting director I wouldn't have cast myself. I had to be more consistent and well..."on." Ms. Wild Card and I drove to NYC and had an amazing time. I miss America so much when I standing at the convience store and there is so much choice! I had to put it straight but I feel like Canada is like ten or fifteen years behind America in terms of business. But, don't yell at me for saying that because I'm not saying that Canada is terrible. It's beautiful here and it helped to produce the best man that I've ever dated. Oh, Mr. Cop, you make it all worth it!

Auditions, border crossings, Philly to NYC, I learned so much from this experience that it was worth every lost hour of sleep and penny spent. Now its back to the drawing room.