Thursday, March 15, 2007

Miss Brunette can feel the love!

Originally uploaded by azopper.lin.
I was really fretting the whole return to Canada but I've made a choice to be happy living where ever I am. Because, frankly, before my trip home to Orange Country, I wasn't. Everything about Canada had me frustrated. I think I was frustrated with the auditions, the incomplete book, and my whole career in general. Now, I'm on the verge of completing a book and I really believe that it's going to hit the shelves of Target, Walmart, and all the grocery stores in North America. Learn to dream big and build it-that's whay I have to say! Anyhow, I'm done hating Canada and I'm exploring the unique beauty that makes this place that it is. If it's snow melting or pierogis, I'm going to find any way to love the city I'm in. Now, I'm off to pour myself an iced tea & return to my writing desk!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your book is going to be amazing baby! cant wait to read it!! xoxo