Best cure for a bad attitude is a bagel. I went to my favorite hang-out and ordered the French toast bagel. I was in desperate need to feel better. I got a call from a woman that has the most amazing jewelry product (her stuff isn't patented yet & I can't give details) which I'm getting on Monday. My mood went up two notches! French toast arrived, my attitude was swinging up to touch the sky.
As though things couldn't get better, a well-built good looking guy sat down next to me. Actually, this was a guy that my sister has been teasing me about since the first time we had seen him a few weeks ago. He had sat down in our vicinity and my sister kept talking loudly about my being single. Anyhow, back to Friday, the bagel girl walked by and stopped to tell him that he had cream cheese spread across his right cheek. I glanced at him and he was at a lost for words. The bagel girl gave a girlish laugh and pranced off. I bet he was used to woman falling over him all the time. I decided to ignore him and get engaged with a short story rewrite that I had been working on. It worked.
"What are you studying?"
My mood did a complete 180. I felt much happier but a mild head cold was still in effect.
The conversation leapt out into several directions and we chatted it up until we were both done eating. I told him that I was a broke writer and he told me he had just had the worst two week of his life. What a connection! In the end this is how the whole deal closed, he said:
"I should give you my business card."
"Well, I need to sell some writing before I ever get a chance to buy a house."
I thought is this guy that ambitious to sell a house to a poor writer or was he just not use to having to play that boy role of asking a girl for a number. In any case, I don't want to date a guy who can't ask for my number directly and I don't chase boys. Okay, I have, and that was only a mistake on my part like the bartender because it has NEVER worked when I made the first move on a hombre.
"Maybe you have a house to sell. I'll give you my card."
I was at a lost for words. "Sure. I'll pass it on to other people. I need an ice tea refill."
He stood up and the bagel girl came out and started to flirt with him again. It was so cute to watch. I walked out of the bagel shop and I heard him say that he had to give me a business card . He ran out after me and told me his card was in car. He drove a white Infiniti. He pulled his card out.
"I don't have any of my good cards on me."
"That's fine. I don't need the good card."
That was it. Funny isn't it? I no idea what the dude was thinking but I'll tell you what I've thought about it.

Did you guess who that was? He's eating a bagel. Still can't quite tell? Here's a close-up of this bagel lover.

It's Stephen King and my bagel boy had been talking about him all morning to me. He told me that Stephen King had been living in a trailer home trying to make it. He threw out his first novel and his wife had pulled it out of the trash and well, the rest is history. Well, I flipped the business card over it had his cell phone on the card. I smiled at him and told him to have a beautiful day. I drove off feeling pretty good. I can't wait to run into him again at the bagel shop.
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