Friday, December 15, 2006

December Hero: Auction Cause

Matthew McConaughey knows a secret: Star power works on the charity circuit. That didn't bother him nor the donation of his mint classic corvette in order to help rebuild the lives destroyed by Hurricane Katrina.

Now, I've got a little secret. Matthew and other celebs are helped out by this somewhat silent auction house called Auction Cause. The agency has helped Captain Morgon put the swing back into Mardi Gras celebrations in New Orleans, the food bank NYC auction off lunch boxes designed by over 50 celebrities, and auction off sykpe time to celebrities that donated the time and money to a favorite charity cause. The Auction Cause website might read as a bit corporate by talking about branding, positioning, and leverage. But, if it gets major corporations and big stars to come out from hiding in order to help people-I'm all for it!

Who knows? Maybe you are the next star that they are waiting to hear from?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Wednesday Work Day

I've been sick. I've recovered. I'm attempting to finish my book by January. I finished the fifth chapter today. Work & lot of it.

I found this picture on Apartment Therapy. An image like this motivates me to work hard and hope that one day I'll return home.

Monday, November 27, 2006

The Thanksgiving that was Lost to a TV Audition

How can anyone lose a holiday? Let me tell you, for the last year and half just about every single one of my important holidays has been lost to putting together a design project, creating a demo reel, or other such job related matters. I'm an adult. I expect these things to happen but the thing that gets me fired up is that in most cases all of my effort hasn't been rewarded. I'm a brunette that loves reward! Like cold cash that can be forked over to pay for a wild trip into New Zealand.

My Thanksgiving was lost this year to creating yet a new demo reel based on an the premise of a new interior design show for TLC. I believe that the casting producer from my Philly audition might have had her hand in on this one, I'm not certain, but I'm thankful if she did. This production company is based in Chelsea, NYC. The connection between the Philly production company and this NYC production company is that they both helped to produce Trading Spaces. So instead of being with my family-which I will admit wouldn't have happened anyhow because I'm in Toronto, I was out on location at a Benjamin Moore Paint Store. I also can't be that upset about missing Thanksgiving because in Canada they celebrate Thanksgiving in October and it is in no way even close to being as great as it is in the States.

I can't believe how much I miss the states! Can you hear it in my writing? I never thought in a million years I'd post a picture of the American flag but that's how it goes.

The premise for this interior design show is based on a designer and a shrink getting into the depths of the home owner's personality. After getting to that true personality, the designer kicks in to create a home that is subtle and fit for healthy living. I actually love the premise of the show. At least how I see the show play out in my mind...things always change when in production. Lately I have been reading about Feng Shui, Home Sanctuary, and Sacred Living. It was interesting how this show came to me in the midst of my readings.

Yet, I really hope that I land this. I know its really only my third audition but in the world of interior design TV shows, there aren't that many opportunities to get cast. I know that I also need to work on my attitude pertaining to my career status. Dear readers, I'd like to tell you something confidential, I'm sick and tired of not having a stable career! I think I'm on the edge of giving up. That means I'll somehow buy a Harley Davidson, a pink bandanna, and a tank of gas and I'll start a huge road trip that leads nowhere! Can getting a job be so difficult?

I'm in Canada. I'm in Toronto. I'm on visiting status and that means that I can't work here. Quite an interesting predicament I'm in...

Bottom line: I'm filled with ideas! I want to help design residential homes, restaurants, and bars. I want to revise my non-fiction book and send it back out to agents. I want to finish my fiction book and send it out to editors. I want to make mula based on the work that I have passion to do. Isn't that true for every person! However, I'm in a position where the only way that I can get that trip to New Zealand is by doing my creative work. And, lord knows it takes time! So I'm getting a wee bit frustrated that I'm loosing Holidays and time to these auditions that I'm not landing. OK-I'll stop my whining. I'm going to go shopping today. It's called immediate gratification.

Friday, November 17, 2006

My Heart Goes out to Crazy Girl City

I just read the most recent post from Crazy Girl City.

Her poor dog Jake was hit by a car on 8 November after a mad, fast, and furious escape.

Strangely enough, my dog did the same thing yesterday. Valentino took advantage of the situation as I was potting an azula plant. He stood on the deck. Looked off into the distance and ran for it. I ran after him as fast as I could but he made it into the street where a white van rolled right over him. People on the street stopped, the white van skidded to a halt, and I was standing still in a coma-like state. Valentino, being only about eight pounds, stood between the tires as the van passed him over head. Next, he ran out in the next lane of passing traffic and almost caused a blue sedan to get in an accident. Lucky for me and everyone involved, everything turned out okay. A couple on the other side of the street helped me to grab him and commented on how close he came to being dead.

What can pet owners do?

My only instinct was to immediately begin the laborous process of doggie school and discipline. His next escape might not be blessed with as much luck again. It saddens me to say that Crazy City Girl's dog, Jake, didn't make it. I wish her all the best in her dog's untimely death. It's never easy to deal with loss.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Curses & Confusion! Yikes, ooh my!

I'm a mess of creative energy. Ever get like that? Here's a list of everything I'd like to have done today:

1. Sail the waters outside New Guinea

2. Knit sweaters for my dog

3. Draw a picture

4. Finish a Book

5. Win the lottery

This is all because I had to straighten out finances and get my Quicken program to work. I should have done this when I moved to Canada but oh, curses, its so easy to let stuff like this slip.

I only get confused because there are so many projects that I want to finish and I don't have time for it all. For instance, I want to finish the National Novel Writing Contest and be declared a big ol winner. 50,000 words isn't what my novel is set at but my goal is 120,000 words. I want to get it all done today. It didn't happen at all. This week I did get my structure complete which is like taking aspirin for a headache. I did manage to get that done. Now, it's time to pound pages out. It's so much easier to spend the day thinking about my almost non-existent financial future by using the program quicken!

Yikes, ooh my!
I love my boyfriend and my dog and that makes things flow much easier. However, after all the auditions and the road trips, it really would be nice to make lots of mula so that I could find a bit of time to sail uncharted waters, knit cool dog sweaters, and play the lotto. At the moment, I've got a dizzy schedule that isn't allowing time for much! I wish everybody who finds themselves in the same boat to remember:

The boat sails with the wind! So relax and enjoy!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

November Hero File: NaNoWriMo-Come again?

NaNoWriMo= National Novel Writing Month

This non-profit organization isn't be slowed down by Halloween candy or by tha anticipation of Turkey and the Macy's Day Parade. No way! These guys have invented their own month long holiday that is meant to help all the closet writers of the world actually finish something called a novel. It gets even better! is taking a portion of profits and sending it help youth groups learning how to tackle literacy. What isn't to love? Jump on this ban wagon and write that dramatic sci-fi romantic comedy that has been at the back of your head for years. Get up or rather sit down and do something!

The TLC Interior Design Show Audition

That is exactly where I've been-in an audition vortex! Two weeks ago, I got a call from a casting director at a new TLC show that wanted me to show up for a quick audition in Phildelphia. I worked my ass off like a slave on three different design concepts for the audition. TLC even switched genders of the client two days before I had to leave for Philly which meant completely shopping for new props and redesigning everything! Once I finally hit the road the problem was....I missed this email sent to me Monday October 23 at 3:30PM (don't forget I had to drive to Philly for the audition and I was on the road from 3:00PM to 4:30AM, so this email didn't do me a blink of good):

Hey there.

I am emailing to confirm your audition tomorrow, Oct 24th.

Each audition will be approximately twenty minutes. You will be showcasing not only your skills as a designer but as a personality and on-air talent. Make sure to engage your client/homeowner and be likable. High energy is really important as well. Dress in a way that shows us who you are, comfortable, casual, how you would go to meet a design client. All in all, be prepared to show us your personality as a designer.

These interviews will be reviewed by our producers, and if you are chosen to advance we will be in touch.

If you are not familiar, Philly is an easily navigable city with plenty to do while you’re in town and a Starbucks on every corner. Give me a call if you need any tips.

Again, I look forward to meeting you.

Good luck!

What I really missed out on was that this wasn't the Debbie Travis show. In fact, they were looking for a true on-air talent! I've got that in my blood but I didn't pull into Philly-actually New Jersey because I had lost my hotel room and everything else was sold out. It was 4:30AM when I finally made it to sleep. My audition was at 10:30AM. And, sniff, sniff, poor ol' me, I hadn't got more than four hours of sleep for the previous three days and wound up late to my call. I found the production company near the actual Liberty Bell.

I was less than my ususal "on-perky-fun" personality. I was exhausted! I had prepared for another grilling round of fire squad style design critique like the Debbie Travis show. Instead, it was an audition with an actress pretending to own a NYC loft. In my honest opinion, the designs were the last damn thing they were looking at and I wasn't prepared for that. If the world had been perfect, I would have been resting the day before the auditon by chilling out at all those Starbucks in Philly and sleeping at the Ritz-Carlton by eight. Life never rolls like that and so it made sense that I slept in Jersey for a couple of hours. I did the best I could but I knew that I wasn't going to get it once I had left the audition. I was pissed at myself for not being more "on." Hey, this was the first real audition that I've ever been too. What can I say?

Did I get it? I found out today.
I got a call today from my agent today. She's a fabulous girl that delivered to me the best possible way of saying that I didn't get it. How? Let me explain.

It's so weriod. I had a dream of you last night and it was really intense. You were like Indiana Jones.

I'll take that as a compliment. I love Indy.

I spoke to the casting director. She said that you didn't make the final demo reel but she said like 17 times how cute you were.

(didn't get it-not too surprised-keeps listening to agent)

Anyhow, she said that you have the right face, the right look, an awesome personality, and raw talent. She told me that one of the problems was that when you have a five minute audition you can't be shy or take the time to articulate your thoughts. She really believes that you've got something but she could see your inexperience with the whole thing. Acting classes came up but..she thought it might change you too much. She said save your money and practice talking in a mirror. One last note, she took your headshot and resume and put it into a pile for another show they are going to be producing in the next six months. That show is on the back burner because the show you just tried out to has a deadline.

At least I know my intution never fails me. After I had left the audition, I knew that if I were a casting director I wouldn't have cast myself. I had to be more consistent and well..."on." Ms. Wild Card and I drove to NYC and had an amazing time. I miss America so much when I standing at the convience store and there is so much choice! I had to put it straight but I feel like Canada is like ten or fifteen years behind America in terms of business. But, don't yell at me for saying that because I'm not saying that Canada is terrible. It's beautiful here and it helped to produce the best man that I've ever dated. Oh, Mr. Cop, you make it all worth it!

Auditions, border crossings, Philly to NYC, I learned so much from this experience that it was worth every lost hour of sleep and penny spent. Now its back to the drawing room.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Of course, I'll post more about the audition and Philly later. But, I want to tell the world how much I love NYC. It would be sooooo much better with my super awesome love, Mr. Cop, and my little love demon, Valentino. I miss them both so much! Distance does indeed make the heart grow fonder. I can't wait to return back to our lovely apartment in the GTA. At the moment, I'm waiting for Ms. Wild Card to actually get out of bed so that we can leave Green Point, which is near Brooklyn, so that we can hang at in Central Park and then head to Chelsea, Tribeca, SOHO for art stuff. Gotta run.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Getting Called by a TLC Casting Director

Yes and that's the big news! I'm headed to an audition on Tuesday somewhere in the streets of Philedelphia. Okay, who doesn't think Philedelphia and Tom Hanks?! I had to put it in at least one sentence. I've had no sleep because I had to put together a video of images of moi and mon work. And, I had to shoot a video biography of me doing something. Hmm...should I reveal my true identity and give you a link to where this is posted? Tick. Tock. Haha, no, this brunette is staying undercover. Yet, in my ode to inspiration and the greatest motto I've ever heard on trying to get any job:

It's brains, battle, and bullshit.

Now I have to literally get back to the drawing board. But, suffice this to say, this isn't an open call and it's like a real audition. There will be another "actor" and I have to sell myself, my project plans, and all that other stuff! If anybody absolutely hates what I've got, you know where to comment!

Revised Space Planning



Furniture Outlook

First Draft: Space Planning







Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Big News on the Horizon

Alright, I've got some exciting news but I can't write about it yet. At the moment, my hair is in curlers because I'm hitting the French Connection show at Toronto's L'oreal Fashion Week. I'll try to snap some undercover shot because this is prime for undercover work! Tiss, tiss, I've got to make the show! I'll write manana!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Brunettes Have Birthdays too

Birthdays happen only once a year or less for those pushing into the upward years. And my birthday being October 13 means that it fell on Friday the 13th. Nothing bad happen other gaining a year and even that hasn't been so bad!

I'm Booked!
In fact, yours truly, has been officially booked to appear as a member of the jury on Style by Jury!

What is it? The high concept reality TV show is based on a jury of 6 people reviewing a regular person and giving a first impression verdict (while these regular people aren't exactly normal because they lack even a single ounce of common fashion sense). My job with the other 6 jury members is to remark on the "before make-over" person. The Style By Jury team flips these people into divas and bring them back to "court". The style jury gives a final verdict that is always good and great regarding whatever the style team did. In most cases, it looks like miracles happened.

Back to the Birthday Bash
My own lovely Mr. Cop gave me the gift of beauty. I went to Vittirano Hair Salon in Port Credit and got the works! Highlights and a cut. I can't believe the renewal effect of a great hair stylist. I swear its the best cut and color I've had in years and all thanks to the awesome sexiness of my boyfriend.

I've had one great birthday!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Ugly Dolls and Writing

I meant to spend the day writing. I have a goal to send out magazine query letters twice until I get something published. So, I woke up and did some Yoga Booty Ballet. The foolish dance techniques combined with yoga are actually fun as long as the neighbors aren't watching. Once I was finished with that, my sister called. I talked to her while she made her hour commute from Orange County to the South Bay, which is a pocket of beach communities a bit south of Venice Beach. We grew up there and I never change that for the world. To make a long story short, I got nothing done. I cleaned the house. I carried the draft of my article around with me. I watched CNN and the coverage of the airplane that flew into the building. Nothing done. But, I found this image of these limited edition UglyDolls that are absolutely wonderfully ugly. I recalled the story of the woman that created these dolls. Simply, she was bored, maybe even out of work, had some extra material, and now she sells these dolls to Angelina Jolie and Snoop Dog. Right. I love a happy ending like the next person. What I love most about these dolls isn't just the cute shape and sweet colors, its the story of some nobody making it. We all have a part of the ugly doll in us.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

From the Ground Up or My First Audition with the Debbie Travis Show

Two Fridays ago, I met with my agent at Chozen Stylizticz to talk about my work in Toronto. I met with the booker, the marketing president, and the agency owner at a fabulous hotel in downtown Toronto. At the end of the two hour meeting, it had been confirmed. They wanted me to attend an open call audition for the Debbie Travis Show. What? I've never audition for anything before in my life. Hmmm...but why not?

Who's Debbie Travis?

I guess that's where things had to begin. I quickly found myself visiting HGTV, Painted House, Face Lift, From the Ground Up, Wikipedia, and more. The web is abundant with the designs and TV shows that she has done. Miss Brunette has got this to say: Rad! (You can't hate me for using that word. You know, I have to keep my roots to the OC going strong when out in T-town!)

I clicked to the web interview questions and I'm answered them like so. You can skip this section but a true blog-girl and a real style agent wants to set the record straight:

1) Describe your training and background in design, if any, and, what is your present involvement in the design/decorating field?

I’ve been a prop stylist in Los Angeles and Chicago for the last five years. My work has recently appeared in Time Magazine to The Drake Hotel Guide to Chicago. My clients have included Sears, Younkers Department Store, Lenscrafters, FTD: Floral Transit Delivery, and Roxanne Taylor Jewelry Designs. After working commercial print my interests began to shift to creating spaces that people could live with. My bachelor degree in fine art, received from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, prepared me for an easy transition. I took post-graduate classes at the UCLA Interior Design Program. I was hired at an interior design firm in the Laguna Beach, CA area that specialized in model home design. When I had the free time, I also took on residential clients and redesigned their homes. At the start of 2006, I wrote a book on style and design that is in the process of seeking publication. My career took an absolute unexpected turn when I went to Las Vegas in May and met the man of my dreams. As it turned out, he’s a Toronto police officer. One month ago, I made the move to Toronto. I’ve found representation at a great emerging creative agency, Chozen Stylizticz, that represents photographers, hair and make-up artists, and prop stylists. At the moment my most important project is getting our new place designed and ready for a great house warming party!

2) What design or decorating project are you most proud of and why?

Work, determination, and persistence are dynamic factors of being a great stylist. Of course, so is having great style! Yet, starting out in the business, the glamorous jobs aren’t exactly laid at your feet. At a photo studio in Chicago, I was offered what most stylists considered the worst account. Against all the whispers from the other stylists and all the nightmare stories I heard about the client, I took the account. At the start of the job, I only had two photographers and one photo assistant. Putting my best pedicure foot forward, I set out to work hard at delivering quality styled shots to my client before deadline and, gasp, under budget! It’s wondrous what the creative mind can deliver. Not only did I set up a workflow method that enabled us to more than triple our work, but also in the end, I had two styling assistants, seven photographers, and seven photo assistants working on this account. What could be better than that? I redesigned the photo gallery and made it a great work environment. The whispers of the nightmare account were swept away. I always had stylists and photographers working on other accounts at the photo studio drop by to “escape” into our photo gallery. Again and again, I had everyone telling me that they wanted to work on this account. Maybe it isn’t just work, determination, and persistence that make the great stylist. Perhaps, it is also having a great attitude that separates the good from the bad.

3) Why do you want to be on From the Ground Up With Debbie Travis Season II - The Road to Success at this time in your life? Tell us why you'd like the chance to change your current circumstances.

My personal truth: I believe that the world can improve through the beauty and quality of good design. Knowing my personal truth and standing at the crossroads of my life, I’ve been busy working as a home stylist and as an interior designer. One of my life dreams has been to make style and design accessible to people by writing and creating beautiful spaces. I took the reins of fate into my hand at the start of 2006 and wrote a slender little non-traditional book. I’ve received a couple of rejection letters from agents in New York, but I’ve also got written encouragement that my concepts are good. As I repackage my book, I want to take my work to the next level. I view the opportunity to work with Debbie Travis as my road to success. Like an apprentice learning a craft from a master, I’d learn by just watching Debbie Travis handle work and job sites. I view challenges as an ability to grow.

4) Give an example of how you're competitive in your every day life.

Design related jobs by nature are competitive. After attending an internationally recognized college known for its aggressive and rigorous educational approach, I learned that the true competitive spirit resides within. I’m constantly working to attain new steps of achievements in my projects and myself.

5) How would your friends and colleagues describe you?

She smiles and laughs a lot. I think that’s always the first impression people get with me at least. After people get beyond that, they start to learn my secret: Kill’em with Kindness. It works every time and the ball usually lands in my court.

6) What is your design style?

Modern glamour. It’s a hot buzzword in design at the moment so I hate to use it because I’m not caught in trends. But, I can’t get over modernism and I love glamour. Simple elegance with subtle luxuries can produce extremely glamorous effects. I want people to be relaxed and experience the peace of beauty at the same time. My style is like watching a leaf fall at a Zen rock garden while relaxing on a double chaise lounge chair covered in beige terry cloth with lots of copper-colored throw pillows.

7) What makes you think that you can rise to this challenge and that you, more than anyone else, have what it takes to be Debbie Travis' new designer on her latest exciting venture?

The ancient Greeks said that life is like two horses pulling a chariot. The horse on the left represents passion and the horse on the right represents reason. It is the chariot, or free will, that guides our passion and decisions. Well, my horses are raging and chomping at the bit for a chance to race through the Debbie Travis show. My balance of passion and reason enable me to be a leader as well as a team player. I’m a brunette, fabulous, and ready to tackle any design challenge. I’d even vow to take an ancient Greek oath to make Debbie Travis’s latest venture as wild, fun, and action-packed as an Olympic festival.



After freezing in a line chalked full of design looking individuals, we made inside to this basement floor conference room. I snapped this quick picture while Debbie was telling us to really sell ourself. Brunettes are lucky because the sell comes naturally. I handed in my questions, hand printed on their form, and wait for my number to be called.

Now, my favorite number is four. So as I was given my number for the audition, number fourty-four, two fours, my favorite number, I was super happy. I can use all the help and encouragement that I can get.

When I heard the number 44 called. I was delighted. Now it was time for a my first interview. This felt more nerve racking than my interior design interview (my readers from the start you might have recalled my interior design interview or you might have chosen to have forget-in any case, I proved a link).

I had the worst monsters in my head. I thought the interview would be awful and they would be staring at my ill clothes. I think any girl thinks that when she's nervous. Stupid little details and bad corporate monsters that just want to eat you!

Number 44!

(thinking maybe I didn't need to yell)
I'm number 44.
(big smile and off I went)

The first interview was simple wonderful. It was easy. I was myself. We talked about indian food and the freaking ridiculous cost of rent. At the end of the interview, she said I want Debbie to meet you. I was in! Yeah. Oh, but she kept going, but, I'm not certain if you can because you're American. Damn the Canadians! I reassured her it wasn't a problem.

After the first fifty people had either been asked home based on the hand-written questions or were given the first interview, a red-headed women in a lovely stripe sweater came back into the conference room.

I have the numbers of people selected to interview with Debbie Travis upstairs. Number 39, 43, and 44.

There was a hush in the room as everyone waited for the only three people that had been asked to interview with Debbie stood up. I felt wonderful and brunette. I was content that I had done well on my first interview and now....



This was the last photo that I took before heading into the firing squad, as I like to call it. Thank god that they had lunch before they took me in to interview. They were a bit more relaxed because number 39 had said this about his interview as he walked out:

They just told me to leave. And I was like that was it? And they were like yeah. I feel kinda of strange about the whole thing.

Yeah and I felt strange about it too. Yuck. That sounds like a Hollywood interview slash pitch session! At least from what I had seen from the movies, right. I was up and everyone gave me the thumbs up. Number 39 gave me the room set-up so at least I had that much of a clue. Problem was that it sounded awful. For one, Debbie Travis was at a table with three other people. The aristocratic gentleman to Debbie's right wore the thin wire frame I've always associated with critics and scholars. The blonde to her left was a senior editor for an upcoming magazine as she put it (hmm...maybe debbie is starting a magazine from her TV show! I think I'm on to something!) and behind me was a wall of seated people listening and taking notes. Did I mention the obvious? The bright lights and the camera crews were a buzz with taping my interview. I hope I looked good.

The interview lasted for what seemed thirty minutes. I made them laugh. I firmly spoke about my design work and I tried to sell myself the best that I could. I've never been at such an important interview and all things considered. I did pretty damn well. Actually, I feel so proud of my interview that I'm completely fine with not making the show. But, Debbie or any of your gurus are reading, I loved the chance to really throw some spin into the design world.

I hope that everyone keeps their fingers crossed for Miss Brunette!

(But, you know what, I'll get there one day even if its not on an interior design show)

Cheers until the next post!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The First Month and Half

I'm in Canada. I'm in Toronto and not Orange County. I thought I knew what I was in for but I had no idea....

The Recorded Where-abouts of Miss Brunette

August 14, 2006: Move In with Mr. Cop and his Family
Just moved into boyfriend's family home in order to wait for new place to finish its renovation. Gasp! Like what was I thinking? How many girls actually live with in-laws. Wait, I ain't married! Not many girls will ever have to go through what I went through. Thank goodness his family is awesome. His mother and sister are the best! His dad and his brother are from a different planet-but that's true of most men!

First Job in Canada

First job in Canada is as a model for Umm Magazine. Thanks to my boyfriend's sister, Miss Wild Card, she got me the job that was hosted at an exclusive golf course. Essentially what the job entailed was being a caddy. I don't know anything about golf or clubs but I learned how to drive the golf cart! It was such a great day! The guy's who had bid on me even won the golf tournament. They gave Miss Wild Card and I the winning Fossil watches! Life as a model wasn't seeming too bad except my stomach was hanging out of the little red shirt they gave us to wear. I'd also like to thank Miss Wild Card for taking me to the 2006 Toronto Beer Festival in which we got really trashed, ended up in the back of a squad car, and watched a bunch of beer vendors get in a fight with one of Miss Wild Card's brother who said we weren't going to a hotel pool party. Fine by me, I was already having a great time even though I couldn't get out of back of the squad car. Where is that lovely boyfriend of mine? Oh, he was breaking up the fight between the beer vendors and his brother.

Week of August 20-26: Signed with an Agent!

Yes, I've signed with an creative artist agent. Now if I get work-bravo! Canada isn't like the seventies with Americans running across the border to leave wars and bad debit behind. Today, It's difficult to work in this country. Media, press, and actors/celebrities/modela are the only ones that don't need the special skilled worker permit. Lucky me! I'm in a media related industry but I don't know anyone. A weekend job at BCBG is out of the question. Maybe I should lower my calorie intake and think about getting a boob job to push my model, I don't think so. Haha. I think I'll wait for my agent to get me work.

Week of August 27- September 2: The Burn-Out!

Things are less dramatic. Downright boring and what causes the last straw to break the camel's back is that my boyfriend is working so much I, honest to god, haven't had a single moment with him in three weeks! He's not a complete dunce and he takes me up north to his grandparent's farm for a weekend get-away. It was heaven! So beautiful! But, he does manage to take a romantic time and turn it into a bad camp experience when he says the absolute wrong thing at the wrong time. I'm not going to repeat it but any girl will know what I'm talking about when she says that a guy knows how to kill a romantic mood. It almost made the weekend sink. However a walk through the woods cleared things up. Still, things aren't in balance and I'm still loosing energy at being able to commit to this relationship.

Week of September 3-18: I'm done with it!

Friday 8, 2006, Mr. Cop never calls home to tell me that he's partying with the boys. He's off work at 5:00. I call at 7:00pm. I hear him at a bar with a girl laughing next to him. I practically hang up. I'm totally over it. I want California back and he's giving me a great reason to go. In fact, the rye drinking, Mr. Cop, sends a text message at 8:10 saying that he'd be home by 8:30pm. Two hours later, he stumbles in smelling like whiskey. I don't even want to talk to him because the whole thing that had been brewing for the last month is that he NEVER communicates what he's doing. I understand time with the guys but he fucked up. I left his family's house and went with his sister, Miss Wild Card, to some local bars. Mr. Cop wanted to come with us but I told him not tonight. I was going to have my fun and let him sit at hom and see how he likes it. I felt like I had been sitting at home for the last month waiting for him. He hadn't even taken me out on to a club, bar, or a date for the entire time I had been in Toronto. Actually, it's still that way. Moving is tough and this move has been tough like a cowboy riding a bull in the dark. Anyhow, I didn't even finish my first beer when Mr. Cop taps me on my shoulder and says he wants to hang out. I still loved seeing him even though I want to spank him. He drove his sister and I to some clubs downtown, one club is even rumored to be owned by the infamous Hell's Angels. Speaking of which, when I entered the club I had my ballpoint pen removed from my purse. I was like what? The bouncer told me that it was considered a weapon because I could stab with it! They weren't kidding. I bribed a bouncer later that night and he got it back for me. What a sweetie! The next day, Mr. Cop and I had made up. We were getting ready to take a walk to a park when he was sitting in front of the TV and he said that Monday he was going to a funeral. Ah, okay. Not a problem. I've only spent three days with him but a funeral doesn't happen everyday. Mr. Cop adds on that he and a couple of buddies would be driving seven something hours to a city beyond Albany, NY for the funeral. What? Yeah, he kept going, seven hours there and seven hours back. Who's the funeral for? Mr. Cop responds, oh, I don't know, the guy that died is one of the canadian mounty's that got shot in a shoot out. the rest of the Toronto police force going? Mr. Cop gets quiet and responds, no. I'm pissed. He tells me this on Saturday and I'm done again. The funeral sounds more like a road trip to New York than honoring the dead. What about the living? I keep asking why I moved out here early because this relationship is starting to dig its own hole. Mr. Cop appologizes and tells me that he isn't going. He said he thought it would have been cool but he forgot that he hadn't been spending any time with me. You might forget, but I don't. I'm offically burned-out on love. I want to go home. I called my family late Sunday evening while hiding in the bathroom and using a blow-dryer to make a wall of noise so that Mr. Cop's family wouldn't hear me. As it turned out, not an ounce of privacy, his mom heard my entire conversation as she lay in bed. I need a change.

Week of September 18-Today: Our Place

We moved into our place. It's beautiful. The owner of the building allowed my interior design skills to help with lighting, paint, and design. As Mr. Cop promised, he said everything would be great once we had our own space. Are things better? Yes and no. I'm still waiting for him to put energy into building a strong relationship. Most of our free moments include his friends hanging out at our place. I told him to not buy a $1700+ LCD flat screen TV because the quality wasn't there. We got the TV yesterday and the picture looks like shit. He woke up around 1Pm, went to a hockey practice, and then went to pick up a HDTV cable box in hopes the TV works right.

What's a relationship to do?

Time and patience are in order. I must try before quitting. But, I know that I can't keep feeling lonely, isolated, sad, foreign, and those sort of things. I'll work at my career. I'll work at my writing and I'll keep up the quest for good design. None of that has to do with building a good relationship. It has been unbelievably hard and I couldn't walk last month twice if I had too.

If any one has got any good pointers on how to meet the man of your dreams, move to a different country to be with him, and keep it alive, then please send advice ASAP.

Monday, August 21, 2006

What's the Deal?

Here's the Scoop:

Here's the real deal. Miss Brunette has been in, err, how shall I put this...A bit of a quandry. I've got no internet! Yikes! What's a blog-girl to do? Well, I've been hitting the internet cafes of Toronto and I have my favorite little place in the lakeshore town of Port Credit. It's wonderful. The computers are pristine. The mula to stay online is bank. At the end of a good few hours of replying to emails and sending out up to date e-resumes, I'm tired & why pay for a lame post?

I had to explain to those that are reading and most of those that think that this post is in of itself quite lame & not worth the extra internet cafe time, that miss brunette has quite a large case file building on Toronto & Canada itself. The expose is on its way soon....

Miss Brunette will be reclaiming some cyber space as soon as the apartment is done with its renovation (brand new hardwood floors, kitchen, & a paint job).

Reporting to all world fashion style agents soon!

Friday, July 28, 2006

How to Convince your Boyfriend to Sleep with your Dog

Brunettes can doubt themselves like everyone else. They can wake suddenly in bed wondering if things are going to be alright. In the middle of last night, I woke up in a sweat. Okay, my petite little fan had turned off but, suffice it to say, I was really happy to have my dog sitting next to me. I pet his head and tickled his cute 7lb. belly and I promptly fell back to sleep.

In the morning, I woke up in my pink polka dot sheets. My sweet dog, Valentino, was sleeping right beside me.

The issue: Boys who dislike doggies in their Girl's bed
If a girl's dog is an indoor doggie not romping through mega rain puddles or tramping through dumpsters, tell me boys, what's wrong with the little guy sleeping on top of your toes at night?

Girls, You Make the Rules
Let's get this straight style agents, Don't be a push-over! Most guys that I've dated, including Mr. Cop, have made up rules about dogs sleeping in the backyard or at least rules kicking my dog out of my room. How it starts is the boy is trying to get to know your lifestyle, he meets the dog, and then casually, sooner or later, he asks:

(devil-ish all knowing grin)
Hey, where does the dog sleep?


Just asking...
(Sip of coffee. Ever so gently he sets the cup down and looks at Miss Brunette)

(not hungry or thristy anymore)
No, it's fine. He sleeps in my room.

In your bed?
(nose turned up)
The dog sleeps in your bed?

The inner voice is saying-what?! This is all that has to happen. Pick up your purse and leave the boy at the cafe. Or, promptly kick the boy from your room, kicked'em out the front door, and delete'em from your cell phone.

Maybe it's just too easy to dump guys based on a dog.

Boyfriends are Different.
Mr. Cop has mentioned to me that Valentino should sleep in a, gulp, a kennel. I can't image it? Valentino, the little guy that was so cute sleeping on a pillow beside me last night, stuck in a a kennel....hmm.. Jimminie Crickets! Mr. Cop is way to hot & sexy to just dump. I think I'll have to go undercover to work this to my favor. Here is my plan and I offer it you dear brunettes and style agents alike.

Operation Doggie Slumber Party

Here is a task list that will be put into effect once Mr. Cop & I are living together.

  1. Regular doggie baths. Sorry, Valentino but it is for the greater good.
  2. Never buy a kennel. That's a great first start.
  3. Bonding time. Mr. Cop needs to get cozy with Valentino quick.
  4. Doggie PJ's. It might sound quack but a cute set of doggie nightgowns might just save the night.
  5. Talk about it. The pathway to public understanding is get it out there. Tell friend's & family, neighbors, even tell a postal worker, just talk about the cozy nights of sleep you get with your pooch. Pretty soon there's a trend sweeping the nation and your boyfriend starts to get it!
My plan is so simple that it is like clockwork. I can't wait to win! Really, I have to say, everyone wins. Boyfriends & husbands and their girl's doggies can all just get along.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Happy Dreams & Nonsense

My happy dreams of last night weren't just of Elvis holding teddy bears. I dreamt that I had woke in my dream to being in bed. This is like something Oprah would talk about as astral projection or something. I woke up in my dream & I realized that my bed was rolling around the streets of NYC. Strange, I know. I was laughing & so happy as the bed surfed though intersections & made rights on quite Chelsea brownstone streets.

Cut to:

I was traveling with an old man and the young asian boy from Indian Jones & the Temple of Doom. We were in midst of a beautiful adventure that felt as safe as a trip with Disneyland. We were walking through haunted manisons and through underwater cities. We were captured by wonder with the details of these places.

And then I woke up smiling. It sounds absolutely silly but I woke myself with laughter before, which had been more frightening. This time I was so well rested, I felt at complete peace and I had a smile on my face. These are all the small signs of life walking in alignment with purpose. None of these dreams made much sense to me, mostly a bunch of nonsense, but at the end of a long cognitive day, with a brow of heavy sleep, and morning sweeping across the Californian land. It is not so much the dream as it is the feeling. I felt great and I wasn't even worried about traffic, work, or my love life. I just felt damn good. It was a happy end to a night of dreams and a yet more brilliant awakening. I like to cherish the small gifts of life.