Thursday, November 09, 2006

Curses & Confusion! Yikes, ooh my!

I'm a mess of creative energy. Ever get like that? Here's a list of everything I'd like to have done today:

1. Sail the waters outside New Guinea

2. Knit sweaters for my dog

3. Draw a picture

4. Finish a Book

5. Win the lottery

This is all because I had to straighten out finances and get my Quicken program to work. I should have done this when I moved to Canada but oh, curses, its so easy to let stuff like this slip.

I only get confused because there are so many projects that I want to finish and I don't have time for it all. For instance, I want to finish the National Novel Writing Contest and be declared a big ol winner. 50,000 words isn't what my novel is set at but my goal is 120,000 words. I want to get it all done today. It didn't happen at all. This week I did get my structure complete which is like taking aspirin for a headache. I did manage to get that done. Now, it's time to pound pages out. It's so much easier to spend the day thinking about my almost non-existent financial future by using the program quicken!

Yikes, ooh my!
I love my boyfriend and my dog and that makes things flow much easier. However, after all the auditions and the road trips, it really would be nice to make lots of mula so that I could find a bit of time to sail uncharted waters, knit cool dog sweaters, and play the lotto. At the moment, I've got a dizzy schedule that isn't allowing time for much! I wish everybody who finds themselves in the same boat to remember:

The boat sails with the wind! So relax and enjoy!

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