My Thanksgiving was lost this year to creating yet a new demo reel based on an the premise of a new interior design show for TLC. I believe that the casting producer from my Philly audition might have had her hand in on this one, I'm not certain, but I'm thankful if she did. This production company is based in Chelsea, NYC. The connection between the Philly production company and this NYC production company is that they both helped to produce Trading Spaces. So instead of being with my family-which I will admit wouldn't have happened anyhow because I'm in Toronto, I was out on location at a Benjamin Moore Paint Store. I also can't be that upset about missing Thanksgiving because in Canada they celebrate Thanksgiving in October and it is in no way even close to being as great as it is in the States.
I can't believe how much I miss the states! Can you hear it in my writing? I never thought in a million years I'd post a picture of the American flag but that's how it goes.
The premise for this interior design show is based on a designer and a shrink getting into the depths of the home owner's personality. After getting to that true personality, the designer kicks in to create a home that is subtle and fit for healthy living. I actually love the premise of the show. At least how I see the show play out in my mind...things always change when in production. Lately I have been reading about Feng Shui, Home Sanctuary, and Sacred Living. It was interesting how this show came to me in the midst of my readings.

Yet, I really hope that I land this. I know its really only my third audition but in the world of interior design TV shows, there aren't that many opportunities to get cast. I know that I also need to work on my attitude pertaining to my career status. Dear readers, I'd like to tell you something confidential, I'm sick and tired of not having a stable career! I think I'm on the edge of giving up. That means I'll somehow buy a Harley Davidson, a pink bandanna, and a tank of gas and I'll start a huge road trip that leads nowhere! Can getting a job be so difficult?
I'm in Canada. I'm in Toronto. I'm on visiting status and that means that I can't work here. Quite an interesting predicament I'm in...
Bottom line: I'm filled with ideas! I want to help design residential homes, restaurants, and bars. I want to revise my non-fiction book and send it back out to agents. I want to finish my fiction book and send it out to editors. I want to make mula based on the work that I have passion to do. Isn't that true for every person! However, I'm in a position where the only way that I can get that trip to New Zealand is by doing my creative work. And, lord knows it takes time! So I'm getting a wee bit frustrated that I'm loosing Holidays and time to these auditions that I'm not landing. OK-I'll stop my whining. I'm going to go shopping today. It's called immediate gratification.
I knew you were going shopping!
I think Thanksgiving in Canada is just as great as in the US (I've lived in both places for long periods of time)! I guess it all depends who you're sharing the holiday with and who's doing the cooking. I'm sorry to hear you're missing holidays but in the end it's for a good cause. Hopefully you'll be able to take time out enjoy Christmas. Good luck with everything you're working on!
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