That is exactly where I've been-in an audition vortex! Two weeks ago, I got a call from a casting director at a new TLC show that wanted me to show up for a quick audition in Phildelphia. I worked my ass off like a slave on three different design concepts for the audition. TLC even switched genders of the client two days before I had to leave for Philly which meant completely shopping for new props and redesigning everything! Once I finally hit the road the problem was....I missed this email sent to me Monday October 23 at 3:30PM (don't forget I had to drive to Philly for the audition and I was on the road from 3:00PM to 4:30AM, so this email didn't do me a blink of good):
Hey there.
I am emailing to confirm your audition tomorrow, Oct 24th.
Each audition will be approximately twenty minutes. You will be showcasing not only your skills as a designer but as a personality and on-air talent. Make sure to engage your client/homeowner and be likable. High energy is really important as well. Dress in a way that shows us who you are, comfortable, casual, how you would go to meet a design client. All in all, be prepared to show us your personality as a designer.
These interviews will be reviewed by our producers, and if you are chosen to advance we will be in touch.
If you are not familiar, Philly is an easily navigable city with plenty to do while you’re in town and a Starbucks on every corner. Give me a call if you need any tips.
Again, I look forward to meeting you.
Good luck!
What I really missed out on was that this wasn't the Debbie Travis show. In fact, they were looking for a true on-air talent! I've got that in my blood but I didn't pull into Philly-actually New Jersey because I had lost my hotel room and everything else was sold out. It was 4:30AM when I finally made it to sleep. My audition was at 10:30AM. And, sniff, sniff, poor ol' me, I hadn't got more than four hours of sleep for the previous three days and wound up late to my call. I found the production company near the actual Liberty Bell.
I was less than my ususal "on-perky-fun" personality. I was exhausted! I had prepared for another grilling round of fire squad style design critique like the Debbie Travis show. Instead, it was an audition with an actress pretending to own a NYC loft. In my honest opinion, the designs were the last damn thing they were looking at and I wasn't prepared for that. If the world had been perfect, I would have been resting the day before the auditon by chilling out at all those Starbucks in Philly and sleeping at the Ritz-Carlton by eight. Life never rolls like that and so it made sense that I slept in Jersey for a couple of hours. I did the best I could but I knew that I wasn't going to get it once I had left the audition. I was pissed at myself for not being more "on." Hey, this was the first real audition that I've ever been too. What can I say?
Did I get it? I found out today.
I got a call today from my agent today. She's a fabulous girl that delivered to me the best possible way of saying that I didn't get it. How? Let me explain.
It's so weriod. I had a dream of you last night and it was really intense. You were like Indiana Jones.
I'll take that as a compliment. I love Indy.
I spoke to the casting director. She said that you didn't make the final demo reel but she said like 17 times how cute you were.
(didn't get it-not too surprised-keeps listening to agent)
Anyhow, she said that you have the right face, the right look, an awesome personality, and raw talent. She told me that one of the problems was that when you have a five minute audition you can't be shy or take the time to articulate your thoughts. She really believes that you've got something but she could see your inexperience with the whole thing. Acting classes came up but..she thought it might change you too much. She said save your money and practice talking in a mirror. One last note, she took your headshot and resume and put it into a pile for another show they are going to be producing in the next six months. That show is on the back burner because the show you just tried out to has a deadline.
It's so weriod. I had a dream of you last night and it was really intense. You were like Indiana Jones.
I'll take that as a compliment. I love Indy.
I spoke to the casting director. She said that you didn't make the final demo reel but she said like 17 times how cute you were.
(didn't get it-not too surprised-keeps listening to agent)
Anyhow, she said that you have the right face, the right look, an awesome personality, and raw talent. She told me that one of the problems was that when you have a five minute audition you can't be shy or take the time to articulate your thoughts. She really believes that you've got something but she could see your inexperience with the whole thing. Acting classes came up but..she thought it might change you too much. She said save your money and practice talking in a mirror. One last note, she took your headshot and resume and put it into a pile for another show they are going to be producing in the next six months. That show is on the back burner because the show you just tried out to has a deadline.
At least I know my intution never fails me. After I had left the audition, I knew that if I were a casting director I wouldn't have cast myself. I had to be more consistent and well..."on." Ms. Wild Card and I drove to NYC and had an amazing time. I miss America so much when I standing at the convience store and there is so much choice! I had to put it straight but I feel like Canada is like ten or fifteen years behind America in terms of business. But, don't yell at me for saying that because I'm not saying that Canada is terrible. It's beautiful here and it helped to produce the best man that I've ever dated. Oh, Mr. Cop, you make it all worth it!
Auditions, border crossings, Philly to NYC, I learned so much from this experience that it was worth every lost hour of sleep and penny spent. Now its back to the drawing room.

This was a terrific post-- really, really well articulated and I agree!
Best-- John
I read your encouraging comment as I was finishing the final edit of my next demo reel. Let me tell you thanks! It made me really happy.
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